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Hey. I wrote a long, wish inscribe at key, but decided it was too) so in a nutshell.
I live with my bridegroom in return 7 years, 2 children. We tangible explicitly when it is normal. He earns properly, honest, but there is single bug.
He's against me to smoke.
Yes, so much against that virtually got divorced a number of times, purely after this insight, the others were not.
When we met - I smoked and told him less it at once. But he dolbal that I need to quit. I tried, threw, but flat, and quietly smoked on, hoping that I would soon leave. But did not keep quickly - he recognized.
Extra psyche, tantrums and bargaining (blowjobs at chief desire during the break to smoke) and all that.
In return the stretch of pregnancy I threw and did not smoke benefit of several years. And now. I'm already 30 years ancient, an full-grown man, my husband, also as a service to 30, intellect all these minority jumps in the past.
But no, I started smoking - and he again down-and-out improbable the chain.
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